239 posts
TimePosted 13/08/2010 11:56:53
xxxx says

compressed air required for F K Pump

how much air is required for a M 200 F K pump handling ESP dust of Raw Mix to convey it to preheater top (transport height horizontal 40m & vertical 75 m)?

How can I calculate the current TPH being conveyed by F K Pump by the load of pump screw & compressor load?

what is the normal air requirement for such kind of pumps



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49 posts
TimePosted 13/08/2010 21:07:07
ILA says

Re: compressed air required for F K Pump

Dear Mr. Raj

A FK screw pump is nothing else than a feeder. the desired conveying pressure determines the used pipe size and airflow.
Therefore, I need to know the maximum conveying pressure that can be handled by the screw pump.

or ,
Using the compressor airflow you  (assuming  mean 88
m3/min, ), you can convey approximately 100 ton/hr using a
200M FK pump At 1.8 bar




239 posts
TimePosted 14/08/2010 06:43:05
xxxx says

Re: compressed air required for F K Pump

Dear ILA

Thanks a lot

I have a compressor of 29m3/min FAD for the same.

My current pipeline pressure of compressed air near the pump is around 0.8 ksc.

I want to transport @ 50tph.

At present screw runs at 980 rpm & the compressor load is 83 kW.

please suggest, because  many times the pump is not able to convey & the drag cahin feeding the pump filles up.




49 posts
TimePosted 14/08/2010 14:38:41
ILA says

Re: compressed air required for F K Pump

Dear Mr. raj

According to roughly calculating , I`am afraid you cannot be able to convey that quantities  , i guess you need more FAD , ASSUMAING 41 M3 / H , 1.22 BAR ,you know its not easy to convey raw material & Screw pumps must provide a positive seal between the feed and discharge ends to prevent back flow of conveying gas. For this purpose the screw is designed with a differential pitch so arranged as to compress the conveyed material. That's why the main application of screw pumps is for conveying fluidizable materials such as cement , Can you post your raw mix analysing , weighting , sizing ..etc .


