Dear All For a new cement line of 5.000t/day is the Contractor responsibility to provide the General Arrangemen...
Dear All For the selection of the drives for belt conveyors, Bucket elevators, drag chains etc I used following...
Dear Sir please send me this excel sheet to my ID Thanks Apostolos
Dear Sir can you please send me this soft copy on my mail ID Thank you in adv...
Dear Mr Ahmed please send me also to my mail id Thank you Apostolos
Dear All, For a new 5000t/d plant the drives of the clinker cooler grates to be hydraulic or electric var...
Dear All, For a new 5000t/d plant we will install 2 cement mils 135t/h each. We will grind OPC and SRC at a...
Dear Mr. Vikpro I agree with your statement and your willingness to help. I see you have lot of useful calcu...
Can you send the calculations to me please? My mail ID Thank you.
Dear Mr. Bhaskar 0.3+0.2+0.1=0.6Kg/ton = 600gr/ton, is this correct Sir. Thanks