Cement News tagged under: heidelbergcement

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HeidelbergCement India completes two upgrade projects

01 April 2020, Published under Cement News

HeidelbergCement India has completed two debottlenecking projects at Imlai, Madya Pradesh, and Jhansi, Uttar Pradesh. The grinding capacity of these plants has been raised to 2.5Mta and 3.25Mta at Imlai and Jhansi, respectively. The projects were both completed in their scheduled timelines, with the grinding capacity of the company now standing at 6.26Mta.

LEILAC 2 to be four times the size of LEILAC 1 pilot plant

30 March 2020, Published under Cement News

Following the announcement of The Low Emissions Intensity Lime and Cement 2 (LEILAC 2) in December 2019, LEILAC 2, this plant will be around four times this size of LEILAC 1. Furthermore, LEILAC 2 is to be operated at one of HeidelbergCement's Western European plants, which has yet to be determined. The patented LEILAC process makes it possible to capture high-purity CO 2 from cement production via a separate exhaust gas stream and to utilize it for other purposes. "The LEILAC 2 project i...

Cement industry and the COVID-19 crisis

20 March 2020, Published under Cement News

This week has seen growing action and concern from the construction and cement sectors on how best to fight off the coronavirus (COVID-19), which was declared a pandemic on 11 March, to keep businesses running and employees safe. Many countries have already announced emergency financial packages and stimulus measures to support businesses and protect livelihoods, as countries impose social distancing measures and quarantine measures to slow the virus. The latest reports reveal that buildi...

HeidelbergCement confirms positive 2019 results

20 March 2020, Published under Cement News

HeidelbergCement has confirmed the positive preliminary results for 2019 it published last month , thereby concluding the business year successfully. "Although the environment was again challenging, we were able to improve numerous important key figures in the 2019 financial year. Especially our good profit for the financial year before non-recurring effects and the strong cash flow exceeded our expectations," said Dominik von Achten, chairman of the Managing Board of HeidelbergCement. ...

Kunda Nordic Tsement to end clinker production

19 March 2020, Published under Cement News

HeidelbergCement-owned Kunda Nordic Tsement, Estonia, is to close its kiln line in March following a decision by the company’s supervisory board. The closure has been attributed to the considerable increase in CO 2 prices, which has had a significant impact on financial results. "We have reached a crossroads in Kunda, where a new dry-processing plant is needed to reduce the cost of production of clinker and meet the increasingly stringent environmental requirements that stakeholders exp...

HeidelbergCement and Italcementi donate to northern Italy's fight against COVID-19

19 March 2020, Published under Cement News

To alleviate the extremely tense situation of the local community and to support the fight against the coronavirus, HeidelbergCement and its Italian subsidiary Italcementi are each donating EUR100,000 to the Ospedale Papa Giovanni XXIII in Bergamo. Bergamo, where Italcementi is headquartered, is located in Lombardy in Northern Italy and is particularly hard hit by the current COVID-19 epidemic. Since February more than 400 people in this region have died from the virus. Last week, Italcemen...

US cement market boosted FY19 financial results

28 February 2020, Published under Cement News

This week, several leading cement producers reported on their FY19 business results. ICR has taken a look at the results of HeidelbergCement, LafargeHolcim, Dangote Cement, Vicat and Argos to see what regional patterns can be discerned from the recent results of these industry players. In terms of cement sales volumes (see Table 1), growth was limited to less than one per cent in 2019. Argos saw the largest advance at 0.7 per cent, but LafargeHolcim was well behind the other producers with...

HeidelbergCement reports good 2019 results growth

18 February 2020, Published under Cement News

HeidelbergCement reports good 2019 results growth in addition to the preliminary unaudited figures already published on 12 February 2020, HeidelbergCement has today presented – as scheduled – preliminary unaudited figures for the group areas and the fourth quarter 2019. "We have concluded the 2019 business year successfully," said Dr Dominik von Achten, chairman of the Managing Board of HeidelbergCement. “All group areas contributed to the good results – however with varied development in t...

HeidelbergCement sees revenue rise 4% in 2019 preliminary results

13 February 2020, Published under Cement News

HeidelbergCement has announced a 4.3 per cent YoY increase in group revenue to EUR18.851bn in its preliminary results for 2019. On a like-for-like (LfL) basis, the rise moderated to 2.1 per cent YoY. The result from current operations advanced 8.8 per cent YoY to EUR2.186bn, or 4.5 per cent growth LfL. However, the company’s cement and clinker sales volumes fell 3.1 per cent in 2019 to 125.9Mt. Excluding consolidation effects, sales volumes were 1.6 per cent below the previous year. Aggre...

Ukraine’s cement output slips in 2019

13 February 2020, Published under Cement News

The production of cement in Ukraine decreased by 0.5 per cent in 2019 when compared to 2018 and by 4.9 per cent when compared with 2017. Cement production reached 8.89Mt in 2019. The fall was attributed to the exit of HeidelbergCement from the market as well as the introduction of antidumping duties on Russian and Belarus imports.