Cement News tagged under: heidelbergcement

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HeidelbergCement Ukraine appoints two supervisory board members

25 April 2014, Published under Cement News

HeidelbergCement Ukraine (Dnipropetrovsk region), has appointed two members of the supervisory board, according to a company statement. Wolfram Gaertner and Robert Breyer have been elected supervisory board members for three years. In addition, Andrzej Balcerek, Klaus Schwind and Andreas Kern were re-elected supervisory board members. At the same time, Ernest Jelito was removed from the supervisory board, Ukrainian news reported.

CEO Dr Scheifele: LH merger no threat to HeidelbergCement

17 April 2014, Published under Cement News

The announced mega-merger of Lafarge and Holcim is expected to change the competitive landscape in the cement industry as a new global building materials giant, LafargeHolcim, is created. Where does this leave other cement majors such as HeidelbergCement? Dr Bernd Scheifele, CEO of HeidelbergCement, does not view the merger and the benefits of a much larger global footprint as a threat to his company. In a recent interview with Phil Roseberg, Senior Analyst at BernsteinResearch, Dr Scheif...

LEOCEM to begin slag cement production

16 April 2014, Published under Cement News

Sierra Leone Cement Corporation (LEOCEM), a subsidiary of the HeidelbergCement Group, has announced that it would begin producing slag cement from June this year. Head of Laboratory at LEOCEM, Victor John Cole, made the announcement during the launch of the company’s 20th anniversary celebration at the factory in Cline Town, Freetown, Agence de Presse Africaine reported. LEOCEM is the only producer in Sierra Leone and operates a  0.45Mta grinding plant. The company imports clinker from els...

HeidelbergCement Supervisory Board extends Dr Scheifele and Dr Nägar agreements, Germany

19 March 2014, Published under Cement News

The Supervisory Board of HeidelbergCement has decided to extend the Managing Board agreements of Dr Bernd Scheifele, chairman of the Managing Board, and Dr Lorenz Nägar, chief financial officer, by a further five years. The new term of agreement for Dr Scheifele runs until the end of January 2020 while Dr Näger’s has been extended to the end of September 2019. Fritz-Jürgen Heckmann, chairman of the Supervisory Board of HeidelbergCement AG, said following the Supervisory Board meeting on 18...

HeidelbergCement issues a Eurobond

06 March 2014, Published under Cement News

HeidelbergCement yesterday priced a Eurobond issue under its EUR10bn EMTN programme with an issuance volume of EUR500m and a maturity date of 12 March 2019. The proceeds of the transaction will be used for general corporate purposes. The five-year bond bears a fixed coupon of 2.25 per cent p.a. The issue price is at 98.84 per cent, resulting in a yield to maturity of 2.50 per cent. Joint Global Coordinators of the transaction are Morgan Stanley (B&D) and RBS. Joint Bookrunners of the trans...

HeidelbergCement upgrade

28 February 2014, Published under Cement News

Moody's Investors Service has upgraded the provisional (P)Ba2 MTN ratings and the Ba2/(P)Ba2 ratings on the notes outstanding to (P)Ba1 and Ba1, respectively of HeidelbergCement AG and its subsidiaries. The Ba1 coporate family rating (CFR) and the stable outlook remain unchanged. The upgrade of HeidelbergCement's MTN and bond ratings follows the signing of a new five year EUR3bn revolving credit facility that removes all securities and upstream guarantees contained in the previous facility...

HeidelbergCement signs new credit facility

26 February 2014, Published under Cement News

HeidelbergCement has signed a new EUR3bn syndicated credit facility with a term of five years to refinance the existing credit facility which would have expired in December 2015. The revolving credit line was early refinanced due to favorable market conditions, the company said in a statement yesterday. HeidelbergCement was able to execute the new self-arranged facility with significantly improved terms and conditions. "There was massive demand from the banking sector to enter the new fac...

HeidelbergCement takes over logistics company

18 February 2014, Published under Cement News

HeidelbergCement has increased its participation in the logistics company Kerpen & Kerpen GmbH & Co KG from 30 per cent to 100 per cent, the German cement major said in a statement yesterday. The purchase price of around EUR23.5m was paid in the form of 416,477 new HeidelbergCement shares, which were issued as part of a capital increase in return for contributions in kind. Kerpen & Kerpen will be fully integrated into HeidelbergCement's business in Germany, constituting the core of the...

Scheuer elected chairman of HeidelbergCement Bangladesh

13 February 2014, Published under Cement News

Albert Scheuer has been elected chairman of HeidelbergCement Bangladesh at the company's board meeting, it said in a statement yesterday. Scheuer is currently member of the Managing Board of HeidelbergCement and in charge of the Asia-Pacific Group area and worldwide coordination of Heidelberg Technology Center. After joining HeidelbergCement in 1992, Dr Scheuer took on various positions at the Leimen cement plant and Heidelberg Technology Center. From 1998- 2005, he was in charge o...

HeidelbergCement's results hit by currency effects

06 February 2014, Published under Cement News

The preliminary full-year 2013 figures from HeidelbergCement show turnover easing by 0.6 per cent to €13,936m, though on an underlying basis there was a 3.4 per cent increase. EBITDA eased by 2.1 per cent to EUR2424m, but improved by two per cent on a comparative basis, and the trading profit edged ahead by 0.2 per cent to €1607m. The number of employees rose by 1.1 per cent to 52,560, as a reduction of around people 750 in North America and Europe was more than offset by the increased sph...