Forum Moderator

Forum Moderator
Threads Started: 49908
Posts: 49908
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Indian cos maintain 8% despatch growth

According to latest updates from the Cement Manufacturers’ Association (CMA), the Indian cement industry despat...

Turkish sector expected to contract 10-12%

Head of the Turkish cement manufacturers’ association (TCMA), Adnan Ignebekcili, says local cement

Cemex rises most in three months

Cemex rose the most in three months and call options jumped on speculation its creditor banks will refinance the comp...

Afrisam not expecting a major fall-off in cement demand

South African cement producer Afrisam does not expect cement demand to fall sharply in 2009, given the fact that str...

Bulgaria’s Devnya Cement delays upgrade

Bulgaria’s Devnya Cement, part of Italcementi Group, will delay a 500 million lev (US$326.2m)

Pikalevsky Cement production halted, Russia

Pikalevsky Cement, owned by the Russian cement market leader Eurocement, has been shut since November last year.

Titan America in Energy Star Program

Titan America LLC announced its partnership with the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and the Department of Energ...

Portland Plant plant lays off 11, Florence, US

Eleven positions fell victim to the layoff axe Tuesday at the Holcim (US) Inc Portland Plant just east of Florence,

Holcim Philippines renew partnership for affordable housing

To support the government’s affordable housing program and to help stimulate employment in these difficult times, Hol...

Canadian cement use down slightly in 2008

Portland Cement Association Canadian reported that cement consumption declined 2.3 per cent in 2008,