Alternative fuels for firing cement kilns Course
A 12-part, on-line, training course covering the technology, issues and challenges of firing cement kilns with alternative fuels.
Course Content
The 12 sessions of the course cover the following:
1. Introduction to firing cement kilns with alternative fuels
2. Preparation of alternative fuels
3. Getting started on the use of alternative fuels
4. Cement plant additions for alternative fuel burning
5. Cement plant modifications to burn more alternative fuels – adding processing depth
6. Cement plant modifications to burn more alternative fuels – requirement for an alkali bypass
7. Impact on the kiln flame, oxygen enrichment and clinker product quality
8. Alternative fuel impact on a implications for kiln refractory linings.
9. Increased scrutiny on cement kilns emissions
10. Adjusting the kiln feed for incorporation of alternative fuel ashes in clinker
11. Impact on clinker quality of exotic species from alternative fuels on the clinker product
12. Economic justification for burning alternative fuels
Course Material
The course is conducted on-line, allowing students flexibility (within a three-week period) to complete the course and associated assessments at work or home. Students should expect to devote around 5+ hours per week plus some additional time for private reading/study. A computer with internet access and email capabilities will be necessary.
Throughout the course the lectures are supplemented with exercises allowing students to relate the course material to their cement factories, or the cement factories of their clients in the case of equipment or service suppliers to the cement industry. Certification is achieved by completing a satisfactory level of exercises, and by exams as the course proceeds.
The course is complete with downloadable transcripts of the lectures and reading material for the training record.
The course is complete with downloadable handouts of the lectures, exercises, and reading material for the training record.