Posts: 108
Strapline: Registered User
Inherent moisture
Dear All, Is this true that this is the inherent moisture of the coal which renders it the property of spontaneous ...
Cement for Common Man
Dear All, Are any empirical tests for common man to judge the quality of the cement so that what he is receivin...
Re: Gypsum Production
Dear All, It is nothing that sort. It is being produced by reaction between CaCO3 and H2SO4 which yield CaSO4. Mo...
Re: Gypsum Production
Dear Michael Clark, I have heard that Shree cement in India is planning that on commercial scale. Regards, Gul...
Gypsum Production
Dear All, Have anyone ever been heard about the production of Gypsum using CaCO3 and H2SO4 for to be used in c...
Re: Highest Temp. Zone
Dear Michael, What are the properties and composition of refractory which determine there selective use for differ...
Re: Highest Temp. Zone
Dear Clark, Is this not true that due to very high temperature in burning zone, it will have less tendency to form ...
Highest Temp. Zone
Dear All, The burning zone i.e. the highest temp. zone just start at the point where flame length ends. Why thi...
Re: Raw Meal PSD
Dear Michael, Which are the tools to determine particle shape? What is the relevancy of particle shape insofar as c...
Re: Raw Meal PSD
Dear Michael, What is the conceptual difference between the terms PSD and granulometry? Regards, G...