1156 posts
TimePosted 22/08/2006 10:21:16
admin says

Dust control Question 9

We will appreciate your support clarifying the following points:
1-False air effect upon the (increase/decrease) of dust load in a closed system of air swept type ball mill (between the mill outlet duct-separator-cyclones-filter-stack). Also, will the dust resistivity increase/decrease?


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1156 posts
TimePosted 22/08/2006 10:21:16
admin says

Re: Dust control

In an air-swept mill false air is usually introduced at the bottom of the ascension pipe in order to ensure there is sufficient volume, density and velocity of air to lift the ground material up the ascension pipe and through the separator. The amount of dust being carried up the ascension pipe is the same, however the volume of air is greater therefore the overall effect is a dilution of the dust load. In principle the false air will cause a reduction of the temperature and this will reduce the resistivity of the dust improving the electrostatic precipitation.


1156 posts
TimePosted 22/08/2006 10:21:16
admin says

Dust control Question 10

We will appreciate your support clarifying the following points:
1-False air effect upon the (increase/decrease) of dust load in a closed system of air swept type ball mill (between the mill outlet duct-seperator-cyclones-filter-stack). Also, will the dust resistivity increase/decrease?


1156 posts
TimePosted 22/08/2006 10:21:16
admin says

Re: Dust control

In an air-swept mill false air is usually introduced at the bottom of the ascension pipe in order to ensure there is sufficient volume, density and velocity of air to lift the ground material up the ascension pipe and through the separator. The amount of dust being carried up the ascension pipe is the same, however the volume of air is greater therefore the overall effect is a dilution of the dust load. In principle the false air will cause a reduction of the temperature and this will reduce the resistivity of the dust improving the electrostatic precipitation.
