Cement News tagged under: eu ets

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Cembureau respond to BAM aimed at cement sector

14 December 2016, Published under Cement News

CEMBUREAU states that "the cement sector is deeply worried about the amendments to be submitted for vote tomorrow (15 December) in the European Parliament's Environment Committee, which foresee in an introduction of a Border Adjustment Measure (BAMii) with the loss of free allowances for the cement sector in Phase IV of EU ETSii, starting in 2020.

" While the final amendment no longer explicitly refers to the cement sector, it singles out sectors not having trade intensity above 10 per cen...

EU urged to end carbon credits system

30 November 2016, Published under Cement News

Carbon Market Watch is urging EU lawmakers to abolish the carbon emissions trading scheme (ETS) after it was revealed that cement producers took EUR5bn windfall from scheme between 2008 and 2015. The watchdog used analysis by consultancy CE Delft and delved into the leading cement producers annual reports to find out the financial benefit of the ETS to cement producers. Companies like Lafarge, HeidelbergCement and Cemex profited from selling carbon allowances they received for fr...

New Sandbag report claims ETS is not working

21 March 2016, Published under Cement News

Sandbag, a UK-based think tank, has released a report about the EU Emissions Trading Scheme (ETS) and argues that the ETS has actually led to an extra 15Mt of CO 2 being released and that if the scheme had never existed emissions would be lower. The report claims that it is “perverse” companies in the cement sector have collectively received more than GBP1bn worth of spare EU allowances (EUAs) for free between 2008-14. While, emissions are down overall, this is said to be due to reduce...

Carbon trading – state of play

09 March 2015, Published under Cement News

Low prices and generous free allowances have meant that the cement and lime industry has been relatively unfazed by the European Emissions Trading Scheme (EU ETS). Is this about to change? By Philipp Ruf, ICIS Tschach Solutions, UK. Figure 1: post-2013 carbon price development in terms of EUA price Go around the table at the board meeting of many cement and lime producers, and ask about their strategy for dealing with the European Emissions Trading Scheme (EU ETS). You’ll likely...

EU ETS: cement sector included on EU carbon leakage risk list

10 November 2014, Published under Cement News

On 27 October, the European Commission adopted the list of sectors expected to be at risk of carbon leakage, which will be applicable for the period 2015-19. The list includes the cement industry, a fact welcomed by Cembureau, the European cement producers’ association. “The risk of carbon leakage has increased since 2009 as a direct result of the reduction in the competitiveness of the European cement industry because of the deep economic crisis and rising energy and electricity costs. The ...

Report: EU-ETS carbon leakage difficult to determine

08 July 2014, Published under Cement News

A recent study by Vivid Economic and Ecofys entitled ‘Carbon leakage prospects under Phase III of the EU ETS and beyond’ has considered whether the EU ETS leads to carbon leakage and found that it is difficult to determine whether carbon leakage has occurred as a result of the emissions trading scheme. The report, with a focus on the UK in particular, also examines which sectors are affected and the factors that determine the rate of leakage. “Nevertheless, in terms of cement production, ...

The devil is in the detail

04 September 2013, Published under Cement News

This year sees the start of Phase III of the EU Emissions Trading Scheme, which will run until 2020. The best-practice benchmark set for CO2 emissions has generated plenty of discussion. Cement industry expert Phil Kerton looks at some of the detail. The EU Emissions Trading Scheme’s Phase III and its benchmarks have generated much debate Some recent discussions on internet forums have taken up the question of best-practice benchmarks, in particular the EU Emissions Trading Sche...

European Council authorises EU & Australia ETS link

19 June 2013, Published under Cement News

On 13 May 2013, the European Council adopted a decision authorising the European Commission to open negotiations regarding the linking of the EU Emissions Trading Scheme (EU ETS) with an emissions trading scheme in Australia. The step is a precursor to the linking up of the two ETSs by 1 July 2018 and follows the agreement reached between the Commission and Australia in August 2012 to establish a full two-way link between the EU ETS and the Australian ETS. Under the programme, businesses ...

ETS: 2013 distribution of free allowances postponed

06 February 2013, Published under Cement News

On 25 January 2013, the European Commission announced a delay in the distribution of free allowances to industrial installations participating in the EU Emissions Trading System (EU ETS), scheduled by the end of February 2013, reports Cembureau. According to an official statement, "the Commission aims to conclude the overall process as soon as possible in order to provide industrial installations and all other market participants with certainty". Cembureau points out that on 12 December 201...

EU ETS: 2011 cement update

19 September 2012, Published under Cement News

Cashing in on the lucrative EU emissions trading scheme has been a welcome safety net to many European cement producers during recent years of recession. However, the changes that will occur in Phase III of the scheme may see a drop in CO2 permit allocations by up to 15 per cent. Figure 1: share of EU surplus accumulated by company, 2008-11 Prices for permits for carbon dioxide (CO2) emission dropped by around 60 per cent in the 12 months up to mid-2012, at one stage passing be...