Cement News tagged under: market report

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Pakistan's cement prospects

15 August 2022, Published under Cement News

Over the course of the 9MFY21-22 Pakistani producer profitablity has been supported by price retention and local demand, but falling exports and rising commodity prices are a cause for concern. Moreover, a slowdown in government spending on development projects could prevent domestic consumption from gaining traction. By Pakistan Credit Agency, Pakistan. A slowdown in government spending is expected to cool Pakistan’s cement demand growth In FY20-21 Pakistan’s nominal GDP increa...

Brazil: sustainable growth

02 August 2022, Published under Cement News

Following a challenging year in 2020 due to the COVID-19 pandemic, Brazil’s cement industry enjoyed better times in 2021. However, uncertainty on several levels has led to growth stalling at the start of 2022 as cement makers face lower market growth and the need to invest in reducing their carbon footprint. By SNIC, Brazil. Uncertainty is expected to slow market growth in Brazil after a more positive year in 2021 After a sharp drop in 2020 – largely due to the COVID-19 pandemic...

South Africa’s long walk to recovery

08 February 2022, Published under Cement News

While 2021 saw some pick-up in South Africa’s cement market, analysts do not expect a full recovery before mid-2024. By Industry Insight, South Africa. As the COVID-19 mutation Omicron sweeps through the country, South African cement producers see market recovery postponed (Photo credit: AfriSam) The South African economy remains in crisis. Although there was a recovery in local production and consumption in 2021, record lows due to the COVID-19 pandemic and a lockdown-ravage...

Creating France’s post-COVID-19 landscape

14 September 2020, Published under Cement News

While the coronavirus pandemic has affected France’s construction sector, going forward there are new opportunities for domestic cement producers as they support a shift in focus, creating a different landscape to address climate change. By Syndicat Français de l’Industrie Cimentière (SFIC), France. Prior to the outbreak of COVID-19 in France, domestic cement output had increased by 4.4 per cent in January and market growth accelerated to 5.2 per cent in February, according to I...

GCC: a return of fortunes?

17 February 2020, Published under Cement News

The performance of the GCC cement sector improved significantly in 2019 when compared with the previous year as higher domestic consumption combined with increased export demand. For 2020, the outlook remains equally promising, supported by expansionary budgets and the normalisation of relations between GCC countries. Most of the GCC countries, including Oman, announced expansionary budgets, fuelling expectations of increased construction activity going forward GCC cement sec...

Bangladesh: robust and stable

16 January 2019, Published under Cement News

Large-scale infrastructure, growing urbanisation and strong foreign direct investment are fuelling rising cement demand in Bangladesh. But will it be enough to utilise production capacity as new plants come on-stream and existing works are upgraded and modernised? Bashundhara Cement’s Mongla plant has a production capacity of 2.65Mta, which, along with its 2.4Mta works in Madangonj, makes the company one of the largest producers in Bangladesh Bangladesh’s aspirations to becom...

Brazil’s balancing act

22 June 2016, Published under Cement News

Brazil is home to one of the world’s leading cement industries with one of the most modern production bases. A slump in domestic demand, however, coupled with a lack of infrastructure investment, means it will be some time before cement demand climbs back to the levels seen in 2013-14. Some producers hope to fill the supply gap between falling domestic demand and rising output with the promise of export riches.  By Marcel Tau Cerneiro, LAFIS, Brazil & ICR Research, UK. Votorantim Cime...

Bangladesh awaits more funds

23 December 2013, Published under Cement News

Bangladesh’s has a fragmented cement sector with a multitude of independent grinding units, making it one of the most competitive markets in the world. It has no abundant, natural-lying domestic limestone reserves, but there is a wealth of opportunity for cement and clinker importers to establish grinding plants near the main population areas. Bangladesh’s low-lying coastal regions and settlements on river banks are prone to severe flooding as occured in June 2012 Bangladesh ...

Waiting for the light

19 November 2013, Published under Cement News

With cement demand growth slipping below six per cent in 2012, India appears to have fallen short of expectations, in spite of remaining a high-growth market by global standards. As the NCB prepares for its 13th International Seminar on Cement and Building Materials on 19-22 November in New Delhi, ICR looks at the prospects of India’s cement sector. The beginning of 2013 proved a challenging time for the Indian cement sector. As production capacity continues to rise, the industry i...

Brazil: market developments

04 November 2013, Published under Cement News

Brazil’s recent economic woes have impacted on the scale of the cement sector’s profits and factory utilisation rates, but there is plenty of need for capacity expansion according to industry players. Gearing up for future growth is not an opportunity to be missed it would seem. Southeastern Brazil has been the main area for the country’s cement consumption, but the northeast is now beginning to increase demand The cement industry is a vital sector for Brazil, and over the ne...