Cement News tagged under: production

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Argentinian cement deliveries up 8.3% YoY in May

03 June 2015, Published under Cement News

In May 2015 Argentina’s cement plants shipped 1,001,540t of cement (including exports), representing a five per cent drop compared to last April, but up 7.8 per cent YoY, according to the Argentinian cement producers' association, AFCP. The domestic market expanded by 8.3 per cent YoY as 996,149t were delivered within the country’s borders. When compared with the previous month, a 4.7 per cent fall was noted.

Vietnam rises 9% in first five months

29 May 2015, Published under Cement News

Vietnam is estimated to have produced 26.6Mt of cement during January-May 2015, up nine per cent from a year ago,  the government-run General Statistics Office said. In May alone, output amounted to 6.3Mt. During the five month period Vietnam produced 20.3Mt of cement, compared to an earlier estimate of 19.9Mt, according to the office’s revised figure. Vietnam currently has 74 cement production lines with a combined output of 77Mta, data from the Ministry of Construction said. The country...

Peru cement market contracts 7% in April 2015

18 May 2015, Published under Cement News

Peru’s cement deliveries fell 7.1 per cent YoY to 800,000t in April 2015 due to lower government spending and climate factors, according to Asocem, the Peruvian cement association. El Niño is expected to continue to affect the construction industry going forward as the climate phenomenon brings inclement weather to Peru. However, public expenditure is forecast to improve as the state government has increased spending by 26 per cent and regional governments by 42 per cent. Cement produc...

An expanding African portfolio

12 May 2015, Published under Cement News

With a per capita cement consumption of just about 100kg and planned industrialisation and infrastructure development, sub-Saharan Africa is poised for important long-term growth. This high-growth potential has led HeidelbergCement to significantly invest in new capacity in the region, with a number of new completions under its wing. By HeidelbergCement, Germany. HeidelbergCement’s new Cimburkina cement grinding facility in Burkina Faso (pictured) and the Scantogo clinker plant in ...

Brazil: future secured?

11 May 2015, Published under Cement News

The expansion of Brazil’s cement production base continues unabated despite storm clouds gathering on the economic horizon. However, this Latin American giant still requires the construction of infrastructure and housing to support its national development and the future of the cement industry appears guaranteed. Cimento Portland Partipações (CPP) has plans for four new cement plants. Pictured is the São Luis works, completed in November 2014 by FLSmidth. CPP is now preparing the e...

Advance in Argentine April cement consumption

11 May 2015, Published under Cement News

In April 2015 Argentine market demand expanded by eight per cent MoM while compared to April 2014, the figure rose by 16.7 per cent to 1,045,369t, according to the country’s cement association, AFCP. Domestic cement producers delivered 1,053,939t, including exports, representing a 7.5 per cent MoM  and a 16.4 per cent YoY increase.

Vietnam Jan-April output climbs 5.3% YoY

06 May 2015, Published under Cement News

Vietnam produced 19.9Mt of cement in the first four months of this year, up 5.3 per cent from a year ago, including 5.9Mt in April, the government-run General Statistics Office said. In the first quarter, Vietnam generated 14Mt of cement, compared to the earlier estimated figure of 14.3Mt. The Ministry of Construction predicted Vietnam's sales of cement and clinker to rise 1.5-4 per cent YoY to between 72-74Mt in 2015, of which domestic sales will rise 4.5-6.5 per cent to 53-54Mt, while th...

Dominican Republic: output rises in 1Q15

29 April 2015, Published under Cement News

Cement production in the Dominican Republic increased 6-7 per cent in the first quarter of 2015 after a full-year 2014 rise of 13.4 per cent, according to the country’s cement association, Adocem. It attributes the rise to the  infrastructural and residential sector, particularly private investment in low-cost housing, key road infrastructure and public works. In 2014 output came close to 5Mta, up 18 per cent when compared with a production of 4.4Mta in 2013. National cement production cap...

Double-digit growth in Kenyan demand and output

28 April 2015, Published under Cement News

Kenya’s National Bureau of Statistics Data shows cement production stood at 5.88Mt in 2014, up 16.27 per cent from the 5.05Mt recorded a year earlier. Cement consumption in 2014 stood at 5.19Mt from 4.26Mt in 2013, rising by 22 per cent YoY. East African Portland Cement Co managing director, Kephar Tande, said the growth in demand of cement will continue due to the ongoing infrastructural projects. “Infrastructural projects have played a big part in the growth in demand of cement and will c...

Egypt prices stable on surplus supply

28 April 2015, Published under Cement News

Producers in Egypt have decided to keep cement prices stable for the fifth-consecutive month, Minister of Supply, Khaled Hanafy, announced on Sunday. The price stability is due to surplus supply, Daily News Egypt quoted Medhat Staphanos, head of cement companies at the Federation of Egyptian Industries (FDI) as saying. Output has increased following the introduction of coal, which has helped alleviate the uncertainty of fuel sources. However, producers are still waiting an uptick in demand....