International Cement Review articles tagged under : Market Reports

24 October 2022

Turkish ambitions

After a challenging 2021, the Turkish cement sector is preparing for more hopeful times ahead with domestic sales expected to be supported by new investments from the 2H22. There are also a number of priorities for the domestic cement industry, including environmental endeavours and promoting the use of roller compacted concrete roads. By TÜRKÇIMENTO, Turkey. New investments in the cons...

13 October 2022

Germany invests in green cement

The German cement industry’s attention is firmly fixed on energy efficiency, alternative fuels and lower CO 2 emissions. Renewable energy, digitalisation and carbon capture will be the next significant steps it take...

04 October 2022

Spain's road to net zero

The Spanish cement industry saw domestic demand pick up in 2021 after the COVID-19 pandemic considerably impacted on the sector. However, its safety net of exports continues to face the twin challenges of high energy...

06 September 2022

Peru's road to recovery

Peru’s cement market started its path to recovery after the COVID-19 pandemic saw demand plummet in April 2020 and then expand beyond pre-pandemic levels in 2021. For 2022-23 cement producers are quietly confident wh...

Pakistan's cement prospects 15 August 2022

Pakistan's cement prospects

Over the course of the 9MFY21-22 Pakistani producer profitablity has been supported by price retention and local demand, but falling exports and rising commodity prices are a cause for concern. Moreover, a slowdown i...

02 August 2022

Brazil: sustainable growth

Following a challenging year in 2020 due to the COVID-19 pandemic, Brazil’s cement industry enjoyed better times in 2021. However, uncertainty on several levels has led to growth stalling at the start of 2022 as ceme...

Ethiopia – today and tomorrow 19 July 2022

Ethiopia – today and tomorrow

Ethiopian cement demand has been relatively stagnant in recent years as the industry has faced challenges including low purchasing power and production constraints. Increased consumption during the pandemic years has...

27 June 2022

Egypt: glimmer of hope

Plagued by oversupply, soaring energy prices and a lack of competitiveness overseas, 2021 was a challenging year for the Egyptian cement sector. However, following government intervention, there is a light at the end...

20 June 2022

India on the recovery path

India’s cement industry made a strong comeback in 2021 as the economy started showing a visible post-COVID-19 recovery. The sector posted steep YoY growth of 21 per cent – a level not seen in recent decades – pushing...

08 June 2022

Indonesia: turning a corner

For several years, Indonesia’s cement industry has experienced stagnant domestic demand, overcapacity and pricing pressure – problems that have been exacerbated by COVID-19. However, while uncertainty remains, govern...

31 May 2022

South Korea’s green goals

South Korea’s cement consumption advanced further in 2021, but challenges, including bituminous coal supply issues, have hampered the industry’s ability to increase production. Meanwhile, improving the sustainability...

16 May 2022

Developing central Asia

The central Asian cement markets of Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan are among the most active accumulators of greenfield plants and expansion projects. Construction and infrastructure projects are on a huge scale and oppor...

03 May 2022

Public spending to drive US cement growth

Following a turbulent start to the decade, PCA looks ahead to what the US cement sector can expect in terms of economic revival and the factors determining a possible upswing in cement demand in the 2022-24 period. B...

03 May 2022

Southwestern US cement

While the Southwestern US cement markets of California, Arizona and Nevada were immune to the COVID-19 pandemic, subsequent broken supply chains, rising inflation and climate change may still considerably affect thei...

26 April 2022

Spain's hopes for the future

Spain’s cement industry saw a more positive 2021 than initially expected as domestic demand took a jump of 11 per cent YoY to support the country’s recovery to pre-pandemic levels. Aniceto Zaragoza, general manager o...

20 April 2022

China at a crossroads

China’s cement industry stands at a crossroads as the country embarks on its 14th Five-Year Plan (2021-25) and the country confirms its goal for peak carbon by 2030 and carbon neutrality by 2060. Restructuring effort...