A warm, humid Florida with occasional thunderstorms welcomed 916 registrants to the 55th IEEE-IAS PCA Cement Industry Technical Conference between 14-18 April 2013. The improving US economy and the impending new NESHAP regulations formed the main topics of conversation in and around the conference rooms. By Rob Roy, ROI Consulting, USA.

Taking place at Disney World Orlando, delegates could explore the hotel or visit nearby Epcot Center and Disney World after registering on Sunday, 14 April. In the evening, a welcome reception was held in the exhibitors’ hall.

Monday was filled with tutorials covering five major topics: drives, power generation, automation, MSHA Safety, and environment, energy & sustainability (EE&S). The drives tutorials focussed on medium-voltage adjustable speed drives in the morning and hydraulic drive system for the clinker cooler in the afternoon. Transformer failure was the hot topic of the power generation session. Automation concentrated on network communication in a modern cement plant while, with NESHAP looming large, the EE&S session centred on mercury basics. Delegates were also given the opportunity to take part in an eight-hour refresher course on MSHA Part 46 safety that day.