While the uptake of alternative fuels in the Turkish cement sector remains modest, steps are being taken to raise levels by a number of domestic producers. One such cement company is Nuh Çimento, which has invested substantially in alternative fuel use and other initiatives to operate its Hereke works in a more efficient and environmentally-sound manner. By Oguz Aydinç, Nuh Çimento, Turkey.
Alternative fuels currently account for just 2.89 per cent of the Turkish cement industry’s fuel mix – considerably lower than the European average of 30.52 per cent. Last year, 404,519t of alternative fuels were used in Turkey’s cement manufacturing process, as a small amount of traditional fuels were replaced by waste oil, sludge, tyres, paint and refuse-derived fuels (RDF). However, producers such as Nuh Çimento are working towards raising the amount through the implementation of new technology and associated infrastructure.