IEEE-IAS/PCA Conference attendees will tour the first National Emissions Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants (NESHAP)-compliant kiln in the United States. Ash Grove Cement Company’s Midlothian (TX) plant modernised its pyroprocess and met NESHAP requirements by September 2014, a whole year ahead of most other US cement plants. By Jacqueline K Clark, Ash Grove Cement Co, USA.
The modernisation project at Ash Grove Cement Co’s Midlothian cement works saw the plant’s three wet kilns replaced with one semi-dry preheater/precalciner kiln, a new cooler, low-NOx burner and the country’s first FLSmidth Hot Disc® reactor.
Furthermore, the project enabled plant management and staff to amass considerable experience dealing not only with NESHAP compliance but also with the issues the plant experienced during the commissioning stage.