Recent months have seen significant progress in the move towards a low-carbon cement industry in Latin America. Building on the Cement Sustainability Initiative’s 2009 Cement Technology Roadmap, the Interamerican Cement Federation (FICEM) has developed a regional roadmap towards a low-carbon economy, “Hoja de Ruta CO2”. By Interamerican Cement Federation – FICEM, Colombia.
FICEM’s Roadmap “Towards a Low- Carbon Economy” is the result of a collaboration between the Latin American cement industry and FICEM, and follows the guidelines set out by the Cement Sustainability Initiative’s (CSI) Cement Technology Roadmap 2009, which maps the route to carbon emissions reductions up to 2050. The so-called “Hoja de Ruta CO2” (HR) takes into account the region’s specific political, economic and cement sector environment. These include the non-existence of unified criteria in terms of greenhouse gas mitigation of governments across Latin America and the urgent need for these countries to adapt to the effects of climate change, which have been felt with devastating force and have accelerated the need for resilient infrastructure. Cement is a key material in addressing this latter requirement as it has already shown its high efficiency and effectiveness in building such infrastructure.