CEMEX is committed to achieving carbon neutrality through innovation and investment in future-forward technology. Paul Fletcher, head of sustainability Europe, CEMEX, discusses how the route to net zero using groundbreaking technologies at CEMEX’s UK Rugby cement plant is setting the scene across all operations. By Paul Fletcher, CEMEX UK.

In 2020 CEMEX announced its ‘Future In Action’ climate action strategy, defining a global target of a 35 per cent reduction in carbon emissions from cementitious products by 2030. For its operations in Europe, CEMEX also defined a 55 per cent reduction target, in line with that set by the European Commission as a new aspiration for all its member states.

CEMEX was the first and is still the only company in the sector to make this commitment. To complement this strategy with a longer-term vision, the company also established an ambition to deliver net zero CO2 concrete to all its customers globally by 2050. Then, in June 2021, CEMEX announced a more aggressive target to achieve the 35 per cent reduction five years earlier and a new target for 2030 of approximately 40 per cent. This new goal is aligned to the well-below 2˚C scenario of the Science-Based Targets initiative.