Electric kilns power revolution

Published 10 April 2024

With the global cement industry on the road to net zero cement production, new technologies for a decarbonised pyroprocessing line have been developed. These include electric kilns, which offer a fossil fuel-free alternative to the traditional kiln fired with carbon-rich fuels. Coolbrook explains the benefits of this new technology. By Dr Thomas Ouni, Coolbrook, Finland 

Coolbrook's RotoDynamic Heater has the potential of generating temperatures of

up to 1700°C solely usingelectricity (© Coolbrook)

Cement, as the main binder in concrete, plays an indispensable role in modern-day urbanisation projects, underpinning the construction of buildings, roads, and numerous structures that society depends on. Yet, the cement industry is in urgent need of transformation. With over 4bnt of cement produced annually, global CO2 emissions from cement production have nearly doubled since the turn of the century, contributing over 2.3bnt in 2022 alone. Now, existing and developing technologies are heralding a new era, enabling cement manufacturers to significantly progress towards net zero emissions using the power of electrification.

From fossil fuel to electric kiln

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