Cemtech Live Webinar: Advanced pyroprocessing and kiln control technologies

 Cemtech Live webinar Advanced pyroprocessing and kiln control technologies

 This webinar presented the latest pyroprocessing technologies and process control expertise for kiln and cooler optimisation and a reduced environmental impact. Issues addressed included emissions reduction, including CO2 and NOx, clinker quality, fuel cost reduction, alternative fuels and refractory management.

The future of pyroprocessing: Davide Zampini, Cemex (Switzerland), and Gianluca Ambrosetti, Synhelion (Switzerland)
Spyrometer™ cement: John Window, Mirion Technologies (IST) Ltd (UK)
Complete shell temperature monitoring for any kiln configuration: Catherine Barrat and Jérôme Duez, HGH Infrared Systems (France)
UniverCEM® – the refractory solution helping cement plants meet their sustainability goals: Michael Louen, Calderys (France)