Cemtech Live Webinar: advances in cement pyroprocessing technology

Cemtech Live Webinar: Advances in cement pyroprocessing technology
Date: 6 December, 2023
Time: 14:00 UK
Free to attend
Registration link: https://us02web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_3pH8LUWCRemerTjXcI5J7g

Pyroprocessing lies at the heart of cement production. Selecting the right equipment and technologies is key to optimising fuel consumption, controlling emissions and ensuring high productivity levels. This webinar will look at some of the solutions available for pyroprocessing optimisation, along with the latest technologies to future-proof cement kiln performance.

Presentations include: 

'Preparing for net zero - advanced combustion technologies for modern pyroprocessing systems ' - Tahir Abbas, Cinar (UK)

'Applying AI in cement pyroprocess operations for optimal performance and sustainability' - Sunny Schoone, Innomotics GmbH (Germany)

'Hydrogen usage in cement production: opportunities and challenges' - Renato Greco, chief technology officer, FCT Combustion