Forum Moderator

Forum Moderator
Threads Started: 49649
Posts: 49649
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AP cement industry sees Rs 15 hike per bag

The cement industry anticipates a sharp rise in prices in Andhra Pradesh as the demand for the commodity is growing d...

Saudi extends cement exemption

Saudi Arabia will run the exemption on the five per cent customs tariff on cement imports from outside the GCC for an...

Cementos Lemona rules out job cuts

The sale of Spanish cement firm Cementos Lemona to rival group Portland Valderrivas will not effect production activi...

PPC cement prices to rise soon

Customers of PPC can expect price increases of, on average, roughly 5% soon, says CEO John Gomersall.

Heady climb for cement

The domestic Indian cement industry is currently passing through a consolidation phase. The industry has experienced ...

Eurocement fails to elect new board or did it?

The extraordinary general meeting (EGM) of shareholders of Russian cement producer Eurocement failed to elect a new b...

Taiwan Cement has more plans for mainland China

Taiwan Cement is stepping up its investments across the Taiwan Straits, aiming to become the third-largest cement mak...

New cement plant for Indonesia

The chief of Investment Coordinating Board (BKPM) M Lutfie said the government has issued a permit for setting up a n...

Semen Padang to cut exports

PT Semen Padang in West Sumatra province said it will this year reduce its exports to 14 per cent of the projected pr...

Cement production in north Khorasan set to surge

The development plan of the Iranian Bojnurd Cement Plant is estimated to be completed in the next two years, increasi...