Forum Moderator

Forum Moderator
Threads Started: 49908
Posts: 49908
Strapline: Registered User


Azerbaijan – Ministry of Environment serves Garadagh Cement with summons

The Azerbaijani Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources is suing Garadagh Cement over the use of the Garadagh c...

UK - Lafarge develops emissions trading strategy

The Kyoto Protocol envisages global trading in greenhouse gases from 2008, the European Comission proposes EU-wide tr...

Canada – Lafarge and WWF safeguard biological diversity in Alberta

With forestry experts gathering in Quebec at the World Forestry Congress, cement maker Lafarge is joining the WWF in ...

Morocco – Lafarge and WWF promote sustainable economic development in Tetouan

In the north of Morocco, Lafarge and WWF will be setting up an experimental nursery to develop know-how and transfer ...

Australia – Cockburn Cement to burn tyres at Munster ?

Cockburn Cement, part of the Adelaide Brighton Cement group, is reported to be looking at introducing alternative fue...

Ciments Français

Who’s behind recent stock movements at Italcementi`s French subsidiary. Is Italcementi set to mop up the outstanding ...

FL Smidth successes in Iran

The partly privately owned Iranian Khazar Cement Company (KCC), part of the Fars & Khuzestan Cement Company, has plac...

Lafarge: Materis restructuring

Lafarge is selling its stake in building materials group Materis to LBO France. This deal should be seen as part of L...

Holcim contests claim

Holcim contests claim Furthermore, the company remains true to its current obligations. Holcim duly reports the inves...

New order for Humboldt Wedag, Inc

Humboldt Wedag Inc, Norcross, GA, subsidiary of KHD Humboldt Wedag AG, Cologne, Germany announced that it has been aw...