Forum Moderator

Forum Moderator
Threads Started: 49908
Posts: 49908
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Possible bid for Suez

Rumours that Ciments Francais could be preparing to increase its stake in Suez Cement seem to be gathering pace.

Portuguese cement sales

Cement sales in Portugal fell 19.7 per cent year-on-year to 4.146Mt for the period January to June 2003, Portugal`s A...

New orders for FLSmidth

FLSmidth has received an order worth over US$31m for a greenfield slag grinding facility in Port Canaveral, Florida, ...

New orders for ABB

ABB announced that it has received a R32-million process automation contract from cement company Alpha South Africa f...

RMC Rugby Cement invests in Hi-tech truck fleet

RMC Rugby Cement, one of the UK’s leading suppliers of cement products, has purchased 115 new Volvo trucks. The...

Lafarge N America 2Q

Lafarge North America Inc missed earnings expectations, blaming bad weather and economic weakness in some of its mark...

Chile – Cementos Melon has 30 days to appeal petcoke decision

Chilean cement manufacturer Cementos Melon, owned by Lafarge, has been given 30 days to file an appeal with the minis...

Canada/US – St Lawrence raises the stake

St Lawrence Cement has announced its ambitious goal of reducing its net carbon dioxide emissions by 15 per cent per t...

Hong Kong – Green Island’s pilot incineration project to move ahead

Green Island Cement received the go-ahead from Hong Kong`s Environmental Protection Department to move its pilot rese...

UK – Another feather on RMC’s sustainability cap

Ready-mix concrete supplier RMC has extended its sustainable development efforts through a partnership with BirdLife ...