The Indian cement industry has termed the Government`s move to slash basic customs duty on non-coking coal from 25 pe...
Spanish cement manufacturer Corporacion Noroeste will invest Euro 9.4m in a new mortar plant in Boqueixon, Galicia re...
About US$50m will be invested by a ste-run Chinese engineering group in the installation of a new cement factory at K...
Cement companies are set to reap significant benefit from January`s mini Budget. Industry leaders said the government...
Thailand`s third largest cement maker, TPI Polene PCL , has said it expects 2004 earnings before interest tax, deprec...
Global cement supplier Holcim turned over a donation of 32,000 Swiss francs, to the Nabunturan Child Assistance Progr...
The Trade department`s decision to lower by P5 the duty on cement is a good compromise for both local manufacturers a...
Vietnamese cement manufacturer Chinfon Haiphong has said it will invest an extra US$250m to expand its operations. T...
Yemen imported Egyptian cement worth $4.4m in 2002, according to official statistics. Yemen`s cement imports totalle...
The Cement Manufacturers Association(CMA) said India`s total cement sales were 9.84Mt in the month of December, 2003,...