Dear Komar, The position of Kiln Tires with respect to Rollers is different in Cold Condition & Hot Condition. The...
Will somebody guide me how to calculate volume and pressure of compressed air is required when following are given: ...
Dear Dear Sir, Cement ,when stored for a long time absorbs moisture and hence can nod be used. Self l...
With change of speed volume does change but with change of density volume does not change as long as motor does not ...
D D Dear Shyam, If Clinker contais high percantage of C2S grindibilit...
Dear Mr. Dastgir, Increasing the residue shall increase the Free Lime content in Clinker which is detremental to Ce...
Dear Mr. Shyam, Kindly let me know the C2S content in Clinker. Regards, BPJ