There are numerous ways to increase the production from your cement mills. In the short term use of grinding aids com...
I would like to know the influence of iron ore addition in raw mix ie in burnability, specific heat consumption, etc.
The iron oxide additions in your raw mix increase the melt content at the clinkering temperature in the kiln. The iro...
I am a Chemical Engineer working in a company in the cement area in South America and the question is: What sort of f...
In my experience acid grade fluorspar spar is used as a mineraliser, however there is no reason why other grades shou...
In our plant, we have a typical problem of high wear rate of mill liners. The basic reason identified is the percenta...
The silica will inevitably build up in the recirculating load of the mill as this is the hardest component of the raw...
Can I have the details about "patented TXI Cemstar addition of air cooled slag to cement kilns". Do you have any info...
The TXI Cemstar process involves the addition of air cooled slag to the inlet of the rotary kiln with the aim of boos...
Can we get the good quality clinker by using phosphogypsum as a raw material? Is any plant producing sulphuric acid a...