
Threads Started: 59
Posts: 1156
Strapline: Registered User


Quality control Question 49

We regulate our raw material pile at 105-110 lsf. However the lsf of the raw mill's sample becomes 85-90. How can we ...

Re: Quality control

There might be a problem in the sampling station. More likely you have a problem of segregation of the material. This...

Quality control Question 50

I want to know about calculation mathods of gas & material flow in preheater, pc, kiln, cooler. Further, can you advi...

Re: Quality control

The calculation of gas and material flow in the preheater relies on the principles of stoichoimetry (to assess the co...

Quality control Question 51

Sometimes we need to produce special, low alkali clinker. In order to achieve good results we need to waste all dust ...

Re: Quality control

I think you are operating long wet kilns? If so you could add some chloride to the kiln feed to promote the volatilit...

Quality control Question 52

We would like to use phospho-gypsum in place of mineral gypsum in our cement plant. Please advice us of its suitabili...

Re: Quality control

I know of no reason why you should not use phosphogypsum. However, you will have to conduct trials to verify that no ...

Quality control Question 53

We have ESP at the kiln system. It is also used for raw mill system. System is sent ESP's feedback to kiln feeding si...

Quality control Question 24

Please advise the chemical and physical properties of: 1. Oil well cement 2. Sulphate resistant cement 3....