You can look at Duda cement data book.
You need to chemically balance the SO3 with the alkalis and ensure there are no reducing burning conditions in the ki...
It is very difficult to diagnose the cause of your problem. The loss of early strength development indicates some los...
The reason to add feldspar would be to increase the alkali content of the clinker to balance the sulphur and attempt ...
Cement is ground finer than kiln feed. That is why different sieve sizes are used for the different materials. To giv...
Hydration of cement continues for many months and years after it is mixed with water. That is why concrete continues ...
They don't represent anything. They are just commonly available sieve sizes. From these you can estimate the residue ...
It is to monitor and control the burnability or combinability of the kiln feed.
The change in clinker granulometry with petcoke firing is caused by the sulphur content of the petcoke. This sulphur ...
I haven't heard of something completely new. Who told you about it?