If you are looking for the best available temperature indication and a visualisation of the temperature developement...
Dear NG, Remember to integrate a cooler control into your cooler. Using the heated air of the cooler as secondary a...
Dear Bazarah, Why don't you use an automized control of the burning process including a Burning Zone Measurement ...
You can indicate the flame length (and plum length) by using a thermographic camera beside the burner at the kiln h...
The Flame length depends on much more factors such as amount and temperature of the klinker (heat adsorbance), of th...
Use a tool to look at the flame and analyse the flame behaviour over the time in correlation to your process variabl...
Powitec sells mathematicle models for double string preheater. But only as a closed loop optimizer including the kiln...
The swirl air and the setting of it is utmost important to the sintering process. This setting substantially influen...