Hello yndiaye, I have never heard of this problem before. Generally, adding anything to the coal stockpiles, ot...
Hello Mohan, NOx measures both NO (which is colourless) and NO2 (which is a deep orange), however once the NO c...
Thank you, Tendulkar. I am always happy to help people learn more. Regards, Ted.
Hello Tendulkar, If you do a forum search for "brown cores" or "egg yolk" you will find that there are already...
Hello Tendulkar, The alkali/sulphur ratio can be calculated as follows;- ASR = (K2O/94 + Na2O/62 - Cl/71)/ (...
Hello Mohan, Have you tested the stack gases to determine if the orange plume is NOx or fine particulates? ...
Hello Mike, Firstly, if you are using coal as a fuel, your rawmeal and kiln feed LSF should always be higher th...
Thanks Michael! Good luck! Best Regards, Ted.
Hello Michael, The currently accepted hypothesis of the stabilisation of C2S by sulphur does not mean that no C...
Hello Michael, I'm puzzled. All of the papers I have seen on this subject have come to the conclusion that the...