I have a question with regards to the sulphur cycle and a method that I adopt to mitigate the effects. Usually in the raw mix we usually run 0.07 per cent sulphur all of a sudden the value increases to 0.12 per cent and the operations are upset. What I have done is to add sodium carbonate in the kiln feed bin to force an increase in the alkali content in the internal cycle. I usually add approximately 100-150kg. What do you think about this? I have often read that sodium carbonate should not be added to the burning zone. I don't know why they say this. All that I think of is that the sodium reduces the viscosity of the liquid melt, making it more penetrating towards the brick!

I'm surprised that a rise from 0.07 to 0.12 per cent sulphur in the raw mix causes upset conditions. These are low values compared to many kilns whose companies add much more in the petroleum coke they use to fire their kilns. The sodium carbonate will dissociate in the kiln and the Na2O will combine with the sulphur (as sodium sulphate) and pass out in the clinker. Your strategy is sound and based on known principles of the alkali cycle. There is no doubt that alkali penetration is one potential cause of refractory failure but at the levels you are using there should be no problem. There is wealth of material on the alkali cycle. The best reference I know is S.Sprung, "Technological problems in pyroprocessing cement clinker: cause & solution" published by Beton-Verlag.

Sometimes we need to produce special, low alkali clinker. In order to achieve good results we need to waste all dust from the kiln and to burn the kilnfeed harder than for the ordinary clinker. But in this case we are loosing almost all coating on the bricks. The questions: How and what could we change in our kilnfeed in order to protect the bricks even in case of low alkali clinker?

I think you are operating long wet kilns? If so you could add some chloride to the kiln feed to promote the volatility of the alkalis in the kiln. That will drive more off from the clinker and result in lower alkali content at lower temperatures. However, that may increase your impact on the environment. I would need to know more about your process and situation before recommending that.