Archived Questions / Burning Question 25
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Ours is ILC 5-stage pre-heater kiln with 3300tpd production capacity. Recently we have changed the kiln fuel from fuel oil to 100 per cent coal. The kiln torque in case of fuel oil firing used to vary between 28 and 38 on normal kiln running. After switching the kiln on coal, the torque figure remains between 6 and 11. The litre weight of the clinker remains between 1.35 where as on fuel oil the same varied between 1.22 and 1.28. Otherwise the operational parameters for kiln in both the cases are more or less same.
The composition of the coal has affected the melt content of your clinker. This is affecting the kiln torque because stickiness in the charge in the kiln has changed and is not climbing the rotating walls of the same extent. This also explains the increased density of the clinker. However, you are not suffering any other operational problems, which is a good result with such a major change in operations. Congratulations!
We have a plant of short kiln with two stations 52m length and 4.8m dia since some months we are facing problem of red glow under tyre 2 which is in burning zone the temperature increased more than 500C and also in this location contineous sliding of material is available.can u give us any solution to get rid of sliding and also make some coating in that place. The temperature sometimes reaches to 570 degrees C
These temperatures are serious and will damage the kiln. You need to change the kiln chemistry to adjust the flux content in the burning zone. You can also try increasing the rotational speed of the kiln to try to eliminate the sliding of the charge at this point.