If you have any knowledge about clinker kilns of 1000 to 1400tpd capacity being in operation today and being part of a system including precalciner. The question would be if you consider to be feasible to upgrade a 600tpd long dry kiln to an approx 1200tpd, modern precalciner kiln. What do you think an investment for such an upgrade would be like, in USD? What would be your closest estimation for such a work?

There are certainly precalciner kilns of 1000 to 1400tpd capacity in operation today. Arguably this is well below the optimum economic scale for a kiln and factory but that depends on the local market conditions. It is also feasible to convert an existing long dry kiln. However, many items of equipment would require upgrading: the raw grinding, the kiln feeding equipment, kiln drive, cooler and clinker transport. Unfortunately this usually means that it is just as economic to scrap the old kiln and start afresh. The likely investment for the conversion would depend on many site specific factors. My best estimate would be US$23.5m.

Is there a set of Critical Success Factors (CSFs) that would generically apply to any player in the cement industry such that if an organisation does well on these indicators, then it can hope to gain a leadership position in the cement industry?

Big question! And the answers will depend on the markets the cement company is operating within. Current thinking is that a cement company should strive for a balanced scorecard with sound economic performance coupled with environmental and social responsibility. Achieving these requires continuous investment in people, equipment and innovation.