I used to be in Africa and was involved in helping a local factory with a production of 1000tpd. However in my opinion this was too much. I would thus like to know which is the cheapest option of setting up a smallest cement factory in the Central African region.

The cheapest option to set up a cement factory in Africa would probably to use shaft kiln technology. However it depends what you mean by cheap. With a shaft kiln you will save on the kiln technology compared with a rotary kiln but you will still have all the costs for quarrying, crushing grinding and packing. It will still cost millions of dollars.

Could you please advise us with optimum length for preheater cyclones inner pipes for increasing cyclones separation efficiency and increasing decarbonation degree. Because we have kiln capacity 5000tpd, kiln length 100m, kiln diameter 5.0m, preheater two-string, four stage cyclones, calciner system and bypass system.

Varying the length of the dip tube in a preheater cyclone will have two effects: (i) the cyclone collection efficiency will be improved which is a good thing, however (ii) the pressure drop across the cyclone and the whole preheater will be increased. If your kiln runs with the induced draft fan close to maximum speed then the increased pressure drop will create a restriction on the process. Because of these conflicting effects it is not possible for me to tell you an "optimum" length for the dip tube in a cyclone. This depends on other factors in the process and the kiln, and also whether you want to push the kiln to the highest output possible.