We have a plant of short kiln with two stations 52m length and 4.8m dia since some months we are facing problem of red glow under tyre 2 which is in burning zone the temperature increased more than 500C and also in this location contineous sliding of material is available.can u give us any solution to get rid of sliding and also make some coating in that place. The temperature sometimes reaches to 570 degrees C

These temperatures are serious and will damage the kiln. You need to change the kiln chemistry to adjust the flux content in the burning zone. You can also try increasing the rotational speed of the kiln to try to eliminate the sliding of the charge at this point.

We need to know the distribution temperature on preheater kiln - in-line calciner - double string - four-stages cyclones cross bar cooler , kiln diameter 4.8 metre, kiln length 67 metre, kiln KHD design, and the collar from FLS, kiln feed 320 ton /h, dry kiln, by pass 20 per cent, preheater fan capacity 380,000 m3/ h. Also the type of bricks is Almag 85 per cent , perlix 80 per cent , kronex 85 per cent ...etc.

The shell temperature profile varies with the kiln process (precalciner, preheater, long dry, wet etc.), type of refractories installed (due to different conductivities), the residual thickness of the refractories (which reduces with wear during service), and the thickness of coating on the refractories (which changes dependent on process conditions).
For an in-line calciner kiln I would expect shell temperatures of around 200 degrees C for the first 30 per cent of the kiln length where you will have the more insulating refractories installed. The girth gear will be in the region and the shell at this approximate temperature. I would then expect the shell temperature to rise to around 300 degrees C in the upper transition zone from 30 to 60 per cent of the kiln length. The refractories are likely to have little coating in this area. In the burning zone from 60 to 90 per cent of kiln length the shell temperature will be very variable due to coating formation. It could be as low as 150 degrees, but if the coating breaks away and the residual lining thickness is low then it could rise to over 400 degrees.