I would like to ask if you are familiar with any national specific cement industry guidelines concerning production, amount of raw material consumption, energy consumption, emissions and etc regarding non-European countries. That is guidelines similar/corresponding to the European IPPC 8211;directive standard of Best Available Techniques. Especially for the following nations: Japan, Taiwan, Malaysia and Indonesia.

Sorry, I am not aware of similar guidelines to the European IPPC for the countries you mention. Most of those countries are likely to follow the lead set by the EU or the USA.

I have been looking for a small bagging machine to bag our duct collect powder. In conversation with an individual I was told that bagging requiremnets were about to change. That the old plastic lined bags were going to be replaced by hermetically seal bags...are you aware of anything like that in the works?

I'm not aware of this development, but I'm sure it depends where in the world you are working. In Europe the big coming issue is hexavalent chrome. This has to be guaranteed to be less that 2 ppm and to ensure that ferrous sulphate is added to the cement to reduce any chrome. Unfortunately the effectiveness deteriorates over time and therefore shelf-life issues raise their head. This could very well be the reason why there is a move towards hermetically sealed bags.