We have a VSK unit with 300tpd production. The raw mix contains limestone, clay, cokebreeze. We are getting continuously high free lime. Please advice the procedure through which we can reduce the free lime.

There are a number of reasons why you might be getting continuously high free lime in your clinker. The most likely ones are: (i) there is too much limestone in your raw mix, (ii) the raw mix is not ground to sufficient fineness, or (iii) the temperature in the kiln is not high enough to finally combine the free lime with the clay minerals. The problem might be a combination of all these factors.

We regulate our raw material pile at 105-110 LSF. However the LSF of the raw mill's sample becomes 85-90. How can we have such a large difference?

There might be a problem in the sampling station. More likely you have a problem of segregation of the material. This is most likely when you are reclaiming the end-cones of the pile or in the intermediate feed bin between the pile and the raw mill. One solution is to add the end-cone to the next pile rather than sending it to the raw mill. The intermediate bin should be kept at a high level by setting the reclaimer start signal to a high bin level.