Michael Clark
324 posts
TimePosted 07/10/2008 09:59:58

Re: Flame Length

no this is not correct.



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cement lover
17 posts
TimePosted 07/10/2008 21:36:15

Re: Flame Length

Saprina, this is a general formula and can't be used at all to determine the length of flame, Try to read the questions in this forum about the flame, they may give you good information.

Good luck


cement lover
17 posts
TimePosted 07/10/2008 21:37:27

Re: Flame Length

Hey Saprina, this is a general formula and can't be used at all to determine the length of flame, Try to read the questions in this forum about the flame, they may give you good information.



STEAG Powitec - Albrecht Keiser
18 posts
TimePosted 10/11/2009 08:40:51

Re: Flame Length

The Flame length depends on much more factors such as amount and temperature of the klinker (heat adsorbance), of the type of fuel and secondary air temperature and amount.

You can indicate the flame length (and plum length) by using a thermographic camera beside the burner at the kiln head and you can measure the plum length and part of the flame by the new side thermography, beeing installed in the kiln head side.

If you are interested in more information, send me an email and I will send you an article about this new method of increasing quality and secondary fuel usage. 


