28 posts
TimePosted 10/10/2008 05:52:29
Saprina says

central air pressure

As everyone now the effect of primary air presssure on the shape of flame can you tell me what is the effect of central air pressure on the shape of the flame?



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Raj Sahu
198 posts
TimePosted 10/10/2008 06:28:45
Raj Sahu says

Re: central air pressure

By increasing the air pressure burner tip velocity will be increased and consequently flame momentum will be increased.Higher flame momentum will facilitate intimate mixing of fuel and air which lead to  short,hot and strong flame.


32 posts
TimePosted 24/10/2008 06:51:06
guddu says

Re: central air pressure


Adding to your reply, i would slightly differ with your statement. Generally when u increase pressure velocity gets decrease. With this perspective we cant expect increase in velocity.


Raj Sahu
198 posts
TimePosted 27/10/2008 04:57:09
Raj Sahu says

Re: central air pressure

For kiln burner if you increase the axial air or radial air pressure(Multi channel burner).Burner tip axial air and radial air velocity will be increased.You may verify it by meaesuring the air velocity of your kiln burner at different static pressure.
