3 posts
While going through case study of HEAT BALANCE of client, I got understand that, achived thermal energy of 105kcal/kg of clinker leads to saving of 32475t coal/annum . Well the capacity of clinker production also got changed after arresting some defect and rectifying leads to 172TPH from 165TPH.
I didn’t understand how they must had calculated the given coal consumption by saving of 105kcal/kg of clinker. However iam inclined to believe on them , but the calculation of coal which I don’t lnow pose to in middle of my answer approach.
Can anybody tell me how to calculate coal linking to heat .
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57 posts
Well, the link is the calorific value of the coal, specifically, the Lower Heat Value. It is usually in the range 5500-7500 kcal/kg of (dry) coal (depending on coal type and characteristics).
All you need to do is multiply the 105 kcal/kg clinker economy by the annual production of clinker. You get the total energy economy that you can convert to coal economy by dividing by the LHV.
I do not have the precise values corresponding to your case, but using conservative estimations, I do not obtain a coal economy of more than 25000 tons however. So, there seem to be a problem in this estimation.
Best regards
3 posts
138 posts
assuming 8000 h operation per year,
172 t/h means 1 376 000 t/year
an economy of 105 kcal/kg means
105 * 1 376 000 * 1000= 144 480 000 000 kcal/year
asuming a coal of very low heat value,
5500 kcal/kg as indicated by Mr ovancantfort,
leads to a coal economy of
144 480 000 000 / 5500 = 26269090 kg coal
this is 26269 tons coal
Therefore, even assuming a very poor coal, we get a 20% lower coal economy.