Trong Ngo
1 posts
TimePosted 18/01/2009 13:35:22
Trong Ngo says

Using industrial waste for cement burning

Hi Everybody,

I know some information about the technology as using industrial waste for cement burning, like: Plastic, Tire, Wood, Animal meat, Waste Oil, Sewage Sludge

Anyone can tell me more about this problem?
Thank you very much!

Best regards,
Trong Ngo
Cell: +84-903-474894


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6 posts
TimePosted 19/01/2009 11:45:23
Soni says

Re: Using industrial waste for cement burning

Dear Tong,

I my knowledge lot of cement plants are using several waste material avaialble as a fuel in Kiln / Calciner. You may contact like FLSmidth, Wedag KHD Humboldt, Krupp, Thaysan, IFC, Some vendors in respective countries.

Can you share the information you know about in the matter?


R P Soni


57 posts
TimePosted 19/01/2009 14:15:58

Re: Using industrial waste for cement burning

Frankly, this question is far to broad to be discussed in this forum.

You better do a little research on the subject in the litterature. There are hundred of articles available in magazines like International Cement Review, World Cement, ZKG, etc..

If you have then more precise questions on the technology involved, we can maybe answer these here.

Best regards


14 posts
TimePosted 21/01/2009 22:21:08

Re: Using industrial waste for cement burning

Just a few of those many subjects to consider when not properly applied are

a. increased specific gas volume (approx. + 10% from coal as primary fuel) depending on chemical composition and moiture content resulting in reduced clinker capacity

b. higher exhaust gas temeperature due to after burning in lower preheater stsages

c. increase of CO-emmission

d. increase in calciner and lower preheater stages clogging due to increased volatile circulation

In all cases the influence of available alternative fuel on the pyro-process has o be investigated to avoid just those problems.

In europe some of the plant are virtually operating on 100% alternative fuel due to the lucrative waste disposal earnings however at an disadvantage to efficient cement production

Best regards,


