11 posts
TimePosted 31/01/2009 16:49:09
shiggavi says

Calculated C3S formula


C3S = 4.071 (CaO- freelime) -7.6 SiO2 -6.7 Al2O3 -1.43 Fe2O3+1.9 K2O+2.9Na2O-2.85SO3+3.05 MgO

This Formula applies when MgO in clinker is less than 2.0%.

Why all the plants are not using this formula. Basically they use only formula which contains 4 basic oxides.

Can anybody share their view on this?

best regards






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138 posts
TimePosted 02/02/2009 13:05:05
lalbatros says

Re: Calculated C3S formula

This formula return a "potential phase" that is never realized in practice.
It is not more than an indicator.
If the additional oxides are not perturbing or varying too much, using a simplified indicator doesn't matter as long as a suitable target is chosen.
