Dear all ,
I having some doubt in calculating the Gas flow from m3/hour to Nm3/hour
so please any body give full details and formula.
my plant site elevation is : 875 m at ASL corresponding pressure: 9258 mmwg
Vact = Vnorm * (1013/p act)*((T+273)/273)
Vact = actual gas volume [m³/s]
Vnorm = gas volum at norm conditions [Nm³/s]
p act = pressure measured + p ambient [mbar]
T = temperature measured °C
p ambient = 1013*(1- height plant/44300)^5,25
p ambient in [mbar]
I hope it helps
height plant in [ m ]
Hellow Friend i am not accept your solution. Here i am giving correct solution for to convert m3 to Nm3.
Fan Flow in Nm3/hr. = Fan flow(m3/sec)*((273/((273+t)*10333))*(b+Ps)
t=measuring temp.(oC)
b= Barometric pressure (mmwg)
Ps=Static pressure (mmwg)
I hope this is very usefull for all.