What is Acid Isoluble Residue.
How to find this?
What is its importance?
Gulam Dastgir
Dear Michael ,
My inquiry is in reference to Rawmix.
Sincerely Yours,
Gulam Dastgir
In the rawmix, the acid insoluble residue can give an approximation of the crystalline silica content. Cyrstalline silica being very refractory and diffciult to combine, it is important for assessing the burnability of the raw mix. To get an accurate measurement of crystalline silica content, one should use microscopy, which is a difficult and time-consuming process. This is why acid-insoluble residue is often used as an approximation.
To assess burnability, the acid insoluble residue should be determined on different sieve residues. It is generally admitted that crystalline silica particles > 50µm will not combine completely.
As an example, here is a formula from FLS institue to assess burnability:
(Free Lime at 1400°C) = 0.35*(LSF-96) + 1.58 (MS-1.6) + 0.55 * (Acid insoluble residue > 45µm) + 0.12 * (total residue > 125µm)