What will be the expected effect of clinker free lime and alite & belite average grain size(micron) on clinker grindability or Bond's work index?
Dear Raj Sahu
The higher free lime the easier is grinded clinker. It is well known that large alite and belite crystals i.e. hard burning causes poor grindability of portland cement clinker.
Could you explain logic behind your replied perception? Ono method of clinker characteristics ranked that clinker belite size 25-40micron as excellent clinker and 5-10 micron as poor clinker.I would also like to know views of other forum members.
Mr. Sahu.
The Ono version depends on wether there are belite clusters in clicker or not. As I know belite formation in clusters (even with smaller crystals) will make clinker harder to grind compared to clinker with well-distributed individual crystals. If the raw meal is well mixed and there are no large quartz grains in meal, the belite cluster formation is less probably.
I can point you the enother case when clinkers' belite crystals are: 1) well distributed but 5-10 microns (a little underfired clinker) 2) also well distributed in 25-40 microns. What you think which of the clinkers, in equal conditions easy to grind? And what Ono wrote about the case?