Technical Cement Forum / Re: Setting Time
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Michael Clark
Michael Clark

Fluoride, F¯, takes Al3+ ions into the C3S crystal structure with it in a coupled substitution. That will leave less Al3+ ions available to form C3A and therefore the setting time of the cement is lengthened.

Raj Sahu
Raj Sahu

Dear Dr.Clarke,

In the said white cement setting time and flouride content are coming as given below,

Sample-1, IST = 100 minutes, FST = 160 minutes, Flouride = 0.22% ,Blaine= 416 m2/kg , SO3=3.07%

Sample-2, IST = 50 minutes, FST = 105 minutes, Flouride = 0.35%, Blaine =411 m2/kg , SO3 = 3.43%


It is very difficult to understand that in spite of increasing flouride content in sample No-2, setting time is coming around 50 minutes lower than the sample number-1.Could you please explain the possible reasons of lower setting time in cement No.-2 in comparison to sample No-1?