8 posts
TimePosted 23/08/2009 12:02:48
Kotiyal says

Re: CO content

Dear HongMinh,

please check your coal residue may be some coal coarse partical from preheater travel with material to inlet causes CO at backend ( delay burning )



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44 posts
TimePosted 24/08/2009 04:56:38
hongminh says

Re: CO content

 Dear Kotiyal,

my kiln running with coal residue from 2.5 to 4% for a long time and we have been never changed with coal residue. I have understood problem delay burning but i don't understood why we have to try to reduced CO content and then kiln burning zone cooling down also. This phenomenon appearing around 1 month, not have before.

Please explaine clearly to me.

thanks in advance.



8 posts
TimePosted 24/08/2009 06:25:29
Kotiyal says

Re: CO content

Dear Hongminh,

I need some information about your plant. please contact me on info@gangarafttrek.com.  



jayaram sudhakar
5 posts
TimePosted 26/08/2009 05:27:19

Re: CO content

Dear minh,

  Let me know your burner make, setting of primary air current values.coal conveying blower air volume, and the burner channel areas. if some of the parameters of radial and axial air or the conveying blower volume is disturbed too this can cause problems.


mail your details to jacoram@gmail.com 

