44 posts
TimePosted 07/10/2009 10:53:12
hongminh says

Re: C4AF

Dear Mr Ted,

I have been tried follow your method that you have published on the forum ( my subjects : egg yolk). Hence, the result  i have received is not signification because the trace of Fe2+ in clinker getting a little bit low.

The addition of Mn2O3 into raw materials is not possible, the price of pure Mn2O3 is very expensive and it is not conveniently and economical.

The porosity of the clinker nodules is depending on the raw mix factors ( esp. in SM, AM, LSF and liquid phase) and on the other hand, it also depending on the burning behaviour, kiln speed...I am agreed with oxygen content at the kiln inlet (2.5 to 3%) and some modified in burning process together lead to the colour of clinker getting better.

Ok, let i try to take place to burning a bit softer and testing reducing conditions in burning zone again.

 Please accept my thanks for the Magotteaux test procedure.

Best regards.



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