10 posts
Trace Heating for fine coal hopper
Dear All,
Is the trace heating in fine coal duct Hopper before coal dosing system have any significant when ambient temperature ranging 4-45 degree Cent, if yes then what kind of heating element system are prefered i.e
- pad heating system
- tubiler heating system
and what is the philosphy for heating control, while answer these question please assume moisture content in fine coal as per BS1236.
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324 posts
Re: Trace Heating for fine coal hopper
Its would be entirely possible for condensation of water to form with temperatures as low as 4 degree C. That will be well below the dew point in humid conditions.
16 posts
Re: Trace Heating for fine coal hopper
Rather than heat tracing; we installed 4 inches of insulation material on our Fine Coal Bin. Low temperatures inside our fine coal bin building can approach -10 C. We went through detailed calculations to arrive at the insulation thickness. Let me know if you need further help.