49 posts
TimePosted 31/12/2009 14:54:35
ILA says

Re: So3 / cement

Dear Expert`s

 By any means i can compensate the gypsum addition in cement mill with high So3 contents in clinker ?? Please advise .

Thank you very much for you`re help


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51 posts
TimePosted 01/01/2010 06:20:13

Re: So3 / cement

in my opinion it will be based on your cement composition mix design 

 make a cement composition mix design on an excel sheet contain % clinker + % gyp. + % minor constituent = 100 % cement

 and then you can see the result cement SO3 will be with consideration standard max limit of SO3 and you can change the % of  gyp. and % of minor constituent as you like to compensate

 notice that you can use the minor constituent ( e.g. lime stone as a filler ) to act as a dilute to the SO3 in clinker  and changing its % based on the standards  


49 posts
TimePosted 01/01/2010 18:26:27
ILA says

Re: So3 / cement

Dear Sirs , electron1539

Can i add no gypsum to high SO3 contents CLNKER ( 2.5 % MAX ) , Pleas advise

Thank you for help



51 posts
TimePosted 01/01/2010 20:33:22

Re: So3 / cement

the answer (yes or no) will based on 2 things :

1- setting time of your cement with out gyp ( just clinker and minor constituent ). ( you can make a lab trial and detect the setting time  ).

2- the standard you work on ( e.g. for EN197-1 the max limite of SO3 in cement is 3.5 % )
